(Translation) Motto, Airimania. n°24 "Take on new challenges"


Now that it's starting to move

I'm really grateful lately because I had many opportunities to challenge new works. I released the product of my self-producted brand "iDIMPLE", I have been modeling for beauty magazines, I also appeared on one of my favorite YouTube channel, "THE FIRST TAKE", along with Masayuki Suzuki. I've been releasing music videos every single month. There are many things I never did which are pilling up and I'm having a fruitful time every single day ♥ Until now, I was thinking a lot about one project, rehearsed for it and did my performance, but now, I have so much different things to think about every day. That's why I try my best to be able to change thoughts whenever needed. I'm having so much fun doing it !

Everything is about timing and luck

What I'm feeling now, the fact that everything started to move, it's really all about timing and luck. But it all depends on yourself if you're seizing the opportunities or not. It's better to keep a good condition so so you're able to be ready for anything that comes up. I want to be the type of person who's like "Yes ! I'll do it !" whenever I hear about a new project. I try to be curious about many things and not waste my time.

It's precisely thanks to the me of the past

I talked about timing and luck, but I also believes it's also thanks to the past me. The fact I was an Idol with °C-ute, my modeling experience thanks to Ray, some of the projects entrusted to me are all coming from this base. I'm really glad I was an Idol and a model ! I also think it's thanks to the stay-at-home time we experienced in August ! For example, as I focused on my diet and beauty, I was able to talk naturally about beauty and cosmetics during my interviews with beauty magazines. For music videos too, as we had many meetings when we were at home and we prepared everything for a long time, it was a relief to finally be able to show this to everyone... The best thing to do is to find, at any time, the things you're supposed to do and work hard for them. If you do this, when the opportunities will come, you'll be able to seize them without hesitation. I'm really happy I worked on a lot of things when I was at home.