Translation : Letter from your bigger fan, mom (℃-ute Suzuki Airi Birthday Event 2014)

Here is a translation of the letter Airi's mother wrote to her for her 20th birthday.

(background music is playing)
Airi : What ? That's super sad ! (fans are laughing)

"To Airi"
Airi : Oh no...

"Congratulations on your birthday."
Airi : Who's that from ?

"I'm very moved to know you have become an adult on this April 12, 2014.
When I learned I was carrying you in my belly..."
Airi : Mum...

"I was so happy that I bursted into tears. I still remember that day today. Going to support your father at his championships while carrying you in my tummy is a memory that I cherish hard.
And one day, on April 11 1994, labour started and I went to the hospital. But you were not born that day, you made us wait a bit more, and I came back to the hospital the day after. I was born on April 11, so the whole day, I was excited to know if yes or no we would share the same birth date. But, as if our life was a drama, you were born on April 12, one year after and on the same day us, your parents, have registered our mariage. I was so surprised, thinking that such a miracle could not be possible.
You grew up without any major issue, like hurting yourself or being sick. I thank you for this. As a person with B bloodtype, to most people you may seem like somebody doing things at her own pace, but I have a very different image of you. Since you are a child, you are a kindhearted person. You always helped your surroundings whenever you could. During my second pregnancy, when I felt very sick, you often told me "You know mum, you just can cook me rice and natto ! Because I love that !!". I wonder if it is because, even as a child, you understood that rice and natto were easy to make, and wanted to help me ? I cried from the bottom of my heart, thanks to your kind gestures. Thank you for staying so gentle while growing up. 

When you entered in that (showbusiness) world, as a parent, I really wondered if it was a good choice. If it was a path that would make you happy. I really hesitated. I was scared you would not be able to live a normal life anymore. You are somebody who loves to learn, but who hates to lose, and I was worried about your studies and all of these details. But, it was even more difficult for you right ? Even more than I could have imagined back then.
You, who always wanted to finish what you started, I often told you "Why don't you take it easy?". I regretted these words when I saw you, suffering because you did not know what to do to make your fans happy. You like to give the best of yourself and taking others' opinions even though it would be easier not to do so. You know, sometimes I think it is not good to overwhelm yourself and that you should share your feelings and opinions too. If you do not do so, you will make yourself very sad. I sincerely believe that the fans who are warmly supporting you know the path you overcame and what you are living. Do your best to grow up and give them happiness, so they always support you. 

You are 20 now, and I wonder what you think about the most ? As for me, I think it is the big differences of responsabilities you will have as an adult compared to now. I know there are a lot of various opinions about you starting college, but know that I support that choice. Me, your father, your little brother. You are very important to us and we love you from the bottom of our hearts.
While hoping your kindness can be transmitted to many people.
And as a member of your family, I really hope that the number of fans who love and support you will get bigger and bigger.

Fly away, fly away, Airi.
Do your best, Airi.

From your biggest fan, mom.

P.S. I'm very sorry to always get mad at you. It's the proof of my love."

Airi (crying) : Ahhhh I started crying like an idiot. Ah, really, I'm sorry... My mother's making really cry, I'm so sorry... Sorry...
Well, yes, hmm.. Thank you mum. You are my biggest support and always by my side. You are my pillar. I am so sorry to always fall asleep in the living room... You are pretty severe but I think, from the bottom of my heart, that you are the best mom in the world.
Before today, you always told me you loved to see me on stage, but that what you loved the most were the videos where I'm doing weird stuffs (laughs) You told me you often watch that video where I'm doing bowling with Buono! to make you smile... I really wonder if that's a good thing.
Contrary to the other people of my age, I don't really have the opportunity to spend time with my family... That's why I want to give people courage and motivation to people through my singing, and that's the thought that made me work hard until now. But I'm 20 now and my responsabilities are going to change. I'd like to take care of my mother a lot more and spend time with my family. She's the kind of woman I aspire to be.