22.07.08 14:14 ★HAPPY BIRTHDAY★

Hello everyone o(^-^)o
It's Suzuki Airi♪
I have a question(^^)/
The other day...
July 13
What day was it ?
The answer is !!
A cute person……
Famous for her Usa-chan peace…
It was ……
Michishige Sayumi-san's birthday♪☆
That day、
we had a rehearsal for Hello! Project's tour but!!
We all waited in the dressing room in the dark…
And she surely thought
"What's happening...?!"~
A cake appeared!!
We sang
Here is the cake we gave her !!
● 22.07.08 14:14 ★HAPPY BIRTHDAY★
Wh, what!!
This gake……
is not an usual cake (^0^)/
It's an
[icecream cake](^-^)♪
Perfect for this season ◆
We ate it too ☆
It was so good~!!
Thank you
Morning Musume。-san…
for giving us a piece♪
I'll do my best
for the Nagoya concert !!
Everybody, really (^^ゞ
look forward to the live ★
Well ◆
It was Suzuki Airiiii♪