2015-03-25 14:35:04 ♡Hair arrangement (Airi)

The live finished and we're in the shinkansen now

Today after I curled my hair
Mai put on it some treatment cream she's been loving latelyーー


It's making the hair shine, the best ♡♡♡

Here's what it looks like♡

Thanks, Maiー

Talking about hair arrangement
the YouTube program Hello! Station
was published just now!

I'm introducing an hair arrangement at the end♡

The way I curl my hairー!!

I also shot this when I had my long bangs but
my way of curling my hair is always the same

Curling the rest of the hair after doing the tipsーーー

My hair curler is always 32mm!!

I'm using a CREATE IRON one (*u_u)

I'd be glad if it can help you
